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[求助] Help! urgent!

發表於 2007-9-27 20:40:17 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 泡沫咖啡 於 2011-11-3 18:52 編輯

Hi! Ta cia hau?! 

I'm new here.. First of all, i want to say hello to all of you..
And, well.. I just sort of captivated by Damian.. I am madly in love with him :) You guys know whether there's an English forum for Damian?
Cause i don't understand Mandarin.. only a bit.. I tien, i tien.. ahaha!
So, it's very difficult to understand anything at all...
And can anyone give me a link to Damian's photo gallery?

Thank you!

Looking forward to hear good news from any Damian's fans in this forum :)

發表於 2007-9-27 21:00:53 | 顯示全部樓層


first of all  ,your English is very very good ,and mine is poorly.

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發表於 2007-9-27 22:23:36 | 顯示全部樓層


Marlina, welcome to join in SONG SHENG.

I regret to say that there is not English forum for Damian within SONG SHEN, but most of friends can understand English. However, in case you can't understand any Chinese charactor, what I can suggest is to fix some translation softwares to give you some assistance.

But as you said, you can't understand Mandrine. In my opinion, it will be harder to find a pure Contonese forum than an English one.

With the reference to English forum for Damian, you may also visit SONG JU where there is English area, which will possibly help you much. There is the link on homepage of SONG SHENG like this.

Have a good trip as a Damian's fan.


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 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-28 03:18:01 | 顯示全部樓層

Re: Thank you very much :)

Haha! Had i known i'd fall for a HK actor like Damian, i'd have been more serious in my high school Mandarin lesson! Haiz..

Censha~ I see, a translator software? Do you have any recommendation on this? Thank you for the link, i've been there just Yesterday, i can't even register to the forum.. Ahaha.. But, fortunately.. there's some thread that's using English.. So, that's a big help for me :)

修修:  Thank you, i'm still improving though! Ahaha.. I'm going to learn Mandarin too! So one day i can explore this forum without a translator :)

Oh, and one more question.. If i fixed a translator, can i reply in any thread with English?

Thank you :) This is one nice forum..


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 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-28 08:12:05 | 顯示全部樓層


Wow.. it really does takea while to read things with translator..

Um.. does this forum has a gallery dedicated to Damian?



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發表於 2007-9-28 08:28:13 | 顯示全部樓層


Hi Marlina, try this simplist way:

Although sometimes it provides you with weird translation, you can get a basic idea what we are talking about in the forum.

Good luck.

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 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-28 08:42:00 | 顯示全部樓層



Um.. where can i find Damian picture? I mean, like somekind of a gallery dedicated to him..

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發表於 2007-9-28 11:07:56 | 顯示全部樓層



Marlina, the above is Damian's gallery by SONG SHENG. Since the provider has retired, it hasn't been updated for a period. But there are still hundreds of pictures there.

Further more, there are also millions of pictures of Damian within our forum. I think it will take you much time to view post by post.

I am so sorry that I never use translators, so I can't recommend a better one to you.
飞鸿踏雪泥 is from Canada. Her recommendation will be more practical.

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 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-28 16:52:03 | 顯示全部樓層


This will do :) Thank you very much Guys! I'll be around for undecided time ;)
Ahaha! I'll dig everywhere and translate everything, so i can understand the people in the forum and of course, to know more about Damian

Ahaha! I'm glad you're all so nice.. I feel welcomed..
See you guys around! 

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